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Designer drugs and serious criminal consequences

Feb 22, 2019 | Drug Offenses

While many people equate drug crimes with cocaine, heroin or marijuana, designer drugs can have just as potent effects – and significant criminal consequences. Also known as club drugs, party drugs or rave drugs, these substances are functional analogs chemically designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the target drug. Incorrectly thought to be less dangerous to users than street drugs, designer drugs are addictive, habit-forming and carry the same severe criminal penalties.

Based on numerous factors including the quantity of the drug and the individual’s criminal history, possession or distribution of designer drugs can carry penalties such as:

  • Prison time
  • Fines
  • Community service

Additionally, a drug conviction can potentially lead to the loss of driver’s license and negatively impact job or educational opportunities.

What are some examples of designer drugs?

As laboratory creations, the list of club drugs will always continue to grow. Over time, party drugs fall in and out of favor. Some common designer drugs can include:

  • Ecstasy (also known as Molly or MDMA)
  • Ketamine hydrochloride
  • Amyl nitrates
  • Bath salts
  • Mephedrone
  • N-Bomb
  • Spice or K2

Some drugs, such as bath salts, have been linked to psychotic episodes which have ultimately led to serious injury and death. Prosecutors at both the state and federal levels are under pressure to impose harsh penalties on individuals involved in their use, sale or manufacture.

Synthetic drug charges are treated seriously by law enforcement and individuals are wise to seek strong, effective legal defense. Whether the designer drug charges center on possession, possession with intent to distribute or manufacture, criminal consequences can be severe.


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