Theft can be a very serious crime, depending on the value of the allegedly stolen items. Florida has a lot of laws on the books that deal with theft, and shoplifting is covered by specific laws targeting retail theft. Generally speaking, the charges a person will face...
Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer
Juvenile Defense
Your teen facing criminal charges needs a defense attorney
Maybe it was a prank that resulted in trespassing or property damage charges. Maybe it was a high school fight that resulted in injuries and then criminal charges. Maybe it was a youthful mistake involving drugs or alcohol at a party. Whatever the reason, when your...
Florida may make parents responsible for their children’s crimes
A proposed bill making its way through the Florida legislature would make the parents or legal guardians of children who commit crimes legally liable for damages incurred as a result of those crimes. For example, if a teenager commits a robbery his or her parents may...
What is the Difference Between a Juvenile Defendant and a Youthful Offender?
A juvenile defendant is an individual, under the age of 18, who is facing charges within the juvenile justice system. Unlike the criminal justice system (i.e. adult court), the juvenile justice system is geared towards rehabilitation rather than punishment. Thus, the...