While Florida has legalized medical marijuana, patients should be aware that having a prescription doesn't provide complete legal immunity. Even with a valid prescription, you might face unexpected legal issues in Tampa and nearby areas. Knowing these potential...
Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer
Drug Offenses
Doctor shopping: What it is and why it’s illegal in Tampa
In Tampa and across Florida, "doctor shopping" is a serious offense that can land you in hot water. Prescription drug abuse contributes to drug-related deaths each year, so the state is cracking down hard on this practice. But what exactly is doctor shopping, and why...
Accused of interstate drug trafficking: What now?
Transporting illegal drugs across state lines into Florida can have severe legal consequences. Accusations of interstate drug trafficking can result in both state and federal charges. These offenses can come with stiff penalties, including prison time and hefty fines....
When can a drug possession offense be treated as a felony in Florida?
Drug prohibition laws make it illegal to use or possess a variety of different substances. There are separate rules for cases involving simple possession as opposed to involvement in the drug trade. Individuals accused of illegal possession often expect the courts to...
How do Florida’s 3 drug courts differ?
Florida can take pride in many things, like its role in starting the national drug court movement. Miami-Dade County created the first drug court in the country in 1989. Since then, these courts have helped reduce crimes and costs while improving treatment outcomes....
Is possessing ecstasy illegal in Florida?
Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception. It is popular in party and club scenes. However, it is important to understand the legal implications of possessing this substance. In Florida, ecstasy is classified as a Schedule I...
Common defenses for drug trafficking charges in Tampa, Florida
Drug trafficking crimes in Tampa, Florida, can carry heavy penalties, so it's essential to understand some of the best defenses for these charges. Read on to learn more about managing drug trafficking charges. What is drug trafficking? Before we look at common...
Proposed law would make it easier to get charged with murder after a drug overdose
Our readers may have heard that in Florida if a person sold or gave drugs to another person who later overdosed on those drugs and died, the first person can be charged with 1st-degree murder. This differs from most other forms of first-degree murder, which require a...
New marijuana laws help residents get help
On February 19th, 2021, the Hillsborough County Commission voted unanimously to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana possession. The new ordinance also creates a pathway for individuals to get help through treatment and educational programs. What the new law does ...
How drug trafficking can lead to murder charges
Most people know the penalties for a conviction of selling illicit drugs are no slap on the wrist. Depending on the degree of the charges, maximum prison sentences can range from 5 to 30 years. But these penalties pale in comparison to the penalties for a murder...