Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Drug Offenses

Accused of interstate drug trafficking: What now?

Transporting illegal drugs across state lines into Florida can have severe legal consequences. Accusations of interstate drug trafficking can result in both state and federal charges. These offenses can come with stiff penalties, including prison time and hefty fines....

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How do Florida’s 3 drug courts differ?

Florida can take pride in many things, like its role in starting the national drug court movement. Miami-Dade County created the first drug court in the country in 1989. Since then, these courts have helped reduce crimes and costs while improving treatment outcomes....

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Is possessing ecstasy illegal in Florida?

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception. It is popular in party and club scenes. However, it is important to understand the legal implications of possessing this substance.  In Florida, ecstasy is classified as a Schedule I...

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New marijuana laws help residents get help

On February 19th, 2021, the Hillsborough County Commission voted unanimously to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana possession. The new ordinance also creates a pathway for individuals to get help through treatment and educational programs. What the new law does ...

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