Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

Drug Charges

How do Florida’s 3 drug courts differ?

Florida can take pride in many things, like its role in starting the national drug court movement. Miami-Dade County created the first drug court in the country in 1989. Since then, these courts have helped reduce crimes and costs while improving treatment outcomes....

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How drug trafficking can lead to murder charges 

Most people know the penalties for a conviction of selling illicit drugs are no slap on the wrist. Depending on the degree of the charges, maximum prison sentences can range from 5 to 30 years. But these penalties pale in comparison to the penalties for a murder...

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What are Florida’s drug courts and do they work?

Drug addiction is a pandemic in the United States. It's so much of a problem that Florida lawmakers created the drug court system as an alternative to incarceration decades ago. In 1989, Miami-Dade County became the first jurisdiction to establish a drug court in the...

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Man acquitted in Airbnb drug trafficking case

One man was acquitted of cocaine trafficking charges in Florida after he was arrested in an expensive Airbnb vacation rental in Fort Lauderdale. The 36-year-old man was one of the less than 1% of people facing federal criminal charges who win acquittal at trial. He...

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