Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

Arrests made in connection with illegal drug ring

Aug 7, 2014 | Drug Charges

The issue of illegal drug use among professional athletes has come into greater media attention recently with the arrest of nine individuals suspected of participating in what is said to be the largest scandal of its kind in the history of baseball. Among the accusations is that the individuals provided illegal drugs to teenagers who attended baseball camps. One of the individuals who was arrested is a cousin of Yankees’ Alex Rodriguez.

One of the defendants, who was accused of purchasing steroids on the black market and having doctors write prescriptions, has already appeared in federal court and court documents say he plans to enter a guilty plea. According to prosecutors, the man will assist in the government’s investigation of the drug distribution ring. Another individual accused of involvement in the scheme also plans to cooperate with authorities in the investigation. For his part, Alex Rodriguez has not been charged with obstruction of justice in connection with investigation of the drug ring.

It is not uncommon in drug cases involving a network of individual under investigation for prosecutors to attempt to secure the assistance of a defendant in gaining information concerning the activities of other defendants or suspects. Often, prosecutors will offer the defendant a deal in exchange for their assistance in the investigation. In every case, of course, the defendant is free to accept or reject the proposal.

Determining whether to accept such a plea deal is always ultimately the defendant’s decision, but it is important to work closely with an experienced attorney in making that decision.

Source: Tampa Bay Times, “Charges filed in baseball’s Biogenesis steroid scandal,” Julie K. Brown, August 5, 2014.


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