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Indicted for synthetic drug charges?

May 23, 2014 | Drug Offenses

Drug Charges for synthetic drug distribution and conspiracy to distribute synthetic drugs are on the rise. Known by street names such as “Molly”, “Spice” and “Bath Salts”. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is cracking down on synthetic drug distribution and is arresting many federal defendants on federal drug charges. The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida and the Southern District of Florida are focusing federal indictments on conspiracy to distribute, and distributing, controlled substance analogue AM2201 and other synthetic drugs. The government not only uses federal grand juries to indict federal defendants for federal synthetic drug conspiracies but also to forfeit money, representing the proceeds of the synthetic drug conspiracies and also the content of bank accounts and residences.

These types of federal drug charges investigation is part of Project Synergy II, an ongoing effort by federal prosecutors and the DEA to target every level of the dangerous global synthetic drug market. While many of the designer drugs mentioned above are not specifically banned under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act of 1986 (CSAEA) allows many of these drugs to be treated as controlled substances if they are proven to be chemically and/or pharmacological similar to a Schedule I or Schedule II controlled substance.

Typical punishments for these drug charge conspiracies to distribute synthetic drugs are up to 40 years in federal prison and a fine. The investigations often start with local sherrif’s offices and extend to the DEA and the United States Attorney’s Office of that district.


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