Tampa Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Tampa bomb maker faces federal charges

Aug 29, 2013 | Federal Crimes

It’s worth pointing out that not all crimes begin with nefarious intentions. In many cases, defendants accused of causing harm are shocked to find themselves facing criminal charges. It’s the job of a criminal defense attorney to accurately and convincingly present a client’s case in court so the defendant is treated fairly.

A good example of good intentions gone bad is the case of a 41-year-old Tampa, Florida, man who was arrested one day after an explosive device he constructed accidentally detonated. The explosion took off two of the man’s fingers but could also take away his freedom. Police said the man wasn’t authorized to have the bomb, and he was ultimately hit with a federal charge of knowingly possessing an unregistered destructive device.

The federal charge replaced six state charges of making a destructive device. The Hillsborough state attorney’s office said the single federal charge was deemed more appropriate for the crime, which means that if convicted, the man could see more severe federal penalties.

The ordeal has been a tough one for the man, who said that he manufactured explosive devices in his home not with the intention to harm anyone, but as a hobby. Having dropped out of school, he said he wanted to demonstrate that he was capable of doing something challenging. In fact, avoiding a conviction may be challenging enough. If he’s able to secure the help of a defense attorney who can convince a judge and jury that he didn’t intend to harm anyone, he may be able to avoid the maximum sentence for which he’s eligible.

Source: Tampa Bay Times, “Tampa man now faces federal charge for homemade bombs,” Will Hobson and Jessica Vander Velde, Aug. 21, 2013


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